Wednesday, July 1, 2015

March 5, 2014 Journal Entry

Wednesday March 5, 2014

Being a beginner teacher I learned a lot about teaching beginners. I wrote this post way before I attended my training at I had been signed up to get my certification. It is so funny how not knowing anything about yoga except for what I have seen, read and been taught in other classes that I didn't feel intimidated to teach. Looking back at this post I realize there is so much more I could have offered besides poses.   

Wednesday March 5, 2014
Tonight I taught my first Yoga class that wasn’t family. I was asked by my church to teach an hour of Yoga to the Mia Maids. It was a perfect opportunity to teach and not feel overwhelmed or have to worry about feeling as though I wasn’t good enough. It’s practice right?
We held the class up on the church stage which was perfect it had the ability to dim the lights to give it a less intimidating feel, the girls all relaxed and we had a great time. Down side to have it on the stage is somewhere towards the end a bunch of boys came in and started playing basketball. Not so great for Savasana.
I led them through a series of poses that I felt would challenge them, but not be so extreme that they felt bored and as if I was putting on my own show. We started with Abs, worked our way into warrior poses, balancing poses, down to frog, pigeon, cow face, modified bridge and final savasana with a personal adjustment.
Overall, I felt the class went well. I do think I could have been more clear with what way I wanted them to stand or face, a couple times the girls got a little giggly, but I guess thats also expected out of 14 and 15 yr olds. I should have done better to direct their attention back towards their practice. For my first class I’m pleased with how it went and can’t wait to teach again, and again, as I learn more and more. Namaste!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Week 40: Baby Born

Week 40 - Baby Born
I had to come back and write this, but the night I went into labor we had friends come over and show us a series of things they do while in labor. from cat cow to the husband pushing on the low part of the back while in table. all of which felt good. We did breath work together. It’s amazing the difference of doing it alone as well as doing it with a partner. I got into a savasana pose and my husband adjusted me according to what i told him i needed. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner, but it felt heavenly.  
Overall i felt trying to keep some sort of a Yoga practice and relying on my resources and the things I was taught at Bodhi Yoga. As well as letting go of this expectation to make it an intense workout I felt really kept me grounded and at peace with where I was at in each phase of my pregnancy. Thanks for this challenge or I’m sure I would have just sat on my rump until baby came!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 38: Almost There!

Week 38 
I’ve completely retreated from doing anything to strenuous, more or less cause I’m big and tired! ha, but I still do enjoy seated poses, stretches, breathing, lying down and doing some twists. Of course I still do the pose from week 32 religiously everynight! I will also every now and again get into happy baby. I haven’t quite figured out why they don’t want you doing that pose, unless its a pushing pose, but if i get in it just for a moment I think it feels good on my back. Being pregnant and doing yoga has really been quite a journey. I'm thankful for my training at Bodhi Yoga and I'm grateful for Syl being inspired to give me a task that required me to stay active while pregnant!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Week 32: My Pose

Week 32
I’ve been feeling really tight up in my chest and shoulders I looked up online some yoga poses for prenatal care and I came across a pose that I’ve fallen in love with. I do it every night before bed, because I think it feels so amazing. I start on all fours and I lower down to my forearms keeping my arms straight, keeping my legs at a right angle. I actively press into my arms while lowering my chest to the floor. At first I couldn’t go all the way down, but doing it every night for a few minutes before bed just releases any tightness I may have and makes it easier to fall asleep. Another great thing to do if you struggle falling to sleep. Try putting your legs up the wall using a bolster or pillow to support the lower back makes it that much more enjoyable. ( Thanks Bodhi Yoga) Do this and climb RIGHT into bed. If you wait more than likely you'll have a harder time falling asleep, because this pose helps you relax and feel rejuvenated!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Week 31: Meditation

Week 31
I’m getting to the end of my pregnancy and as i consider going into this labor and delivery without medication I really took the time to meditate and try to connect with my inner self as well as with my baby. I focused on my breath work and enjoyed some seated twist and cat cow pose.
 With two kids one on the way and a husband it can be hard to take time for yourself and focus on your needs. I find that when I'm driving in the car alone I either keep it quiet or listen to Syl's Chakra Resonance to help bring me back to ME!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 28: Hubby Time

Week 28
I grabbed my husband this week and we did a series of partner poses. It felt good to have someone pushing or pulling on me to get into a pose better. or just to have that resistance or stability. I wish we had more time for this. It feels good to connect in Yoga with someone else and none better than your significant other. I totally think doing this more often could help with communication, quality time, and connecting emotionally, mentally, and physically! I would love to take part in a partner yoga certification. If I ever do so I'll do with with Syl at Bodhi Yoga

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 26: Shining Bright

Week 26  
I’m really liking sun salutations with a slight back bend. I’m sure it’s because of my belly in the front. I also don’t mind forward folds even though I need to take my stance a little wider to comfortably get into the pose where it feels nice for me. 
Check out for an intro into yoga